Statewide Classified Advertising Network
To get started, simply email your ad copy to AdOhio. All network ads are prepaid. Then just sit back and anticipate the response. The AdOhio staff will process the ad and distribute it through the network to all participating newspapers and their news websites. We can even place your classified ad in other states for you. This eliminates costly phone calls and writing numerous ads and checks. (Ask us about available states and their rates.)
Base classified network ads are 25 words; ads exceeding 25 words cost $10 for every additional word. AdOhio reserves the right to edit all copy submitted and reject those ads which are not in compliance with state and/or federal regulations, or those which are offensive, false, misleading, deceptive, or similarly unacceptable. Ads requiring “cash in advance” or those for “work at home” cannot be accepted. Ad promoting any directory for sale must include the cost. All Business Opportunity ads must state the upfront investment cost, if any. Newspapers have the right to reject ads. No tearsheets are provided. Each ad limited to 70 words.